This is Quinn's Blog run by his family. As a missionary he won't be able to check the blog, but please post comments and we will forward them on to him in our weekly letter. Also, feel free to write him via "snail mail" at the address posted below.

Another great way of contacting Quinn is through Where it says Select a Mission click the drop box and highlight the Colombia Barranquilla mission and then click Write a Letter. Fill in the informaion about your name and address and where it says Select Title chose Elder and then write in Quinn Larson. These letters get sent like emails to Quinn so they are much faster than writing a letter. He still however, needs to respond to you via "snail mail" so make sure you leave an address in your letter so he can write you back!

Quinn has waited for this time to serve for a very long time, and he is excited to be in Colombia serving the Lord. He sends his love and thanks to all his friends and family.

Letters From Afar

Check out what's going on in Quinn's Colombian Adventures!

Saturday, June 27, 2009



Sorry I've been so bad at updating this (pretty sure I've said that before too...) But I decided to try my hardest...again. So please enjoy! Write any comments and I promise I will forward them to Quinn to enjoy as well. Thanks!

Quinns neglectful sister,

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